JET世界まつり2021 in 高岡を開催いたしました!Thank you for coming to JET World Festival 2021 in Takaoka

(English below)


国際理解セミナー「JET Talks」の他、体を動かす文化体験、世界の言語を勉強できる語学カフェ、出入り自由の手芸とゲームコーナーに気軽にご参加いただき、ありがとうございました。毛糸でお守りを作ったり、民俗舞踊を踊ったり、言語と文化について積極的に交流したり、子どもも大人も笑顔で楽しんでいただき、私たちにとって何よりの喜びでした。


皆様、JET世界まつりの限定缶バッジはゲットできましたか。まだJET世界まつりを体験されていない方は、JET世界まつり in 新川(2月28日)& in 富山(3月14日)を、ぜひお見逃しなく!


On February 7th (Sunday), 2021, we held JET World Festival 2021 at our second venue, U-Hall in Fukuoka-machi!

In addition to the “JET Talks” (international understanding lectures), it was amazing to see how everyone mingled in the cultural workshops, the language cafes, and the come-and-go craft and game workshops. For us, it was a true reward to see adults and children alike enthusiastically making “ojos de dios,” learning different folk dances, and discussing different languages and cultures with each other.

Despite the continuous influence of COVID-19, we are glad that the JET World Festival held in Fukuoka-machi has made everyone feel that the world has been brought a little closer together.

Did you have a chance to get your JET World Festival limited edition button? If not, don’t forget about the JET World Festivals in Niikawa (February 28th) and in Toyama (March 14th)!

We would like to express our earnest gratitude to Takaoka City’s Japanese Classroom and the International Association for their immense assistance and dedication.

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